The servers tell each of the judges, “This is “such & such name” and such & such number,” and so on.
The judges won’t know who made the preparations nor what category it is. They only know a name & number.
If you would interested in serving prsadadm to the judges please phone or text
Chaitanya Chandra: 604 338 9145
There is also prasadam for all the guests and judges.
The guests also get to taste some of the “special” preparations.
After the judges have been served, some remaining left-over preps “overflow” to the general body of guests so all the guests can honor some of the special offerings.
Because there are usually many preparations, everyone gets to taste some of the special prasadam, but only the judges get to honor all the offerings.
There is also a general prasadam feast to ensure all the guests get some prasadam.
The remaining amount of preparations served to the judges is put on a separate table and the “other” servers distribute it to the other guests.
Because there is only a little of each of the other preps the servers have to be aware that each of the remaining preps must be served uniformly to different areas where the other guests are so that everyone gets a least a little of the remaining preparations.