1) All pots and utensils must be absolutely clean and never used for cooking meat products.
2) One must be careful that no meat, fish, eggs, onions or garlic be used. (read labels and watch for ingredients like rennet, gelatin etc.: which are derived from meat products)
3) No one including the cook should taste the preparation before it is registered and offered to Lord Nityananada.
4) No preparation should be offered before it is brought to the temple, All preparations will be offered to Lord Nityananda at the temple.
5) First bring your preparation to the temple lobbybetween 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM to register it for judging.
6) Do not allow any animals such as cats dogs etc.: to see your preparation before it is offered to the Lord.
7) Bring your preparation in a clean disposable container for serving. We cannot guarantee the return of your container.
8) Preparations must be made for a minimum of 24 judges to sample.
9) You can enter as many preparations as you like.
There is a winner for each category.
There are gold, silver and bronze medal winners for first, second and third place overall.
The gold medalist wins the Lord Nityananda’s “Nectar Cup” with their name on it.